Agroecological education refers to an intention process of facilitating learning ] about agroecology and issues in the food system to various publics. This section discusses some ways that urban people learn about agroecology in the city and agroecology in the countryside.
Educating the City about the Country
Seeing life in urban soils
Silvane Dalpiaz, Biologist and Administrator of the Horto Municipal de Florianópolis, discusses experiential learning as a way to see life in the soil.
Breaking paradigms in urban gardens
Oscar José Rover, university professor at the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC) and coordinator of the Family Agriculture Commercialization Laboratory (LACAF), talks about the pedagogical role that urban gardens play.
Learning and doing through agroecology
Moriel Cabral, agroecologist geographer, technical consultant and parliamentary advisor in the office of councilor Marquito in Florianópolis (SC, Brazil). He discusses the importance of practical and experiential learning about agroecology as a system.
Agroecological education in the city and the country
Agroecological education is diverse and can be practiced both in urban and rural areas and involves the relationship between the city and the countryside. This photo gallery shows some examples of agroecological education in urban and rural areas.
Agroecological education
The Center for Studies and Promotion of Group Agriculture is an agroecological organization that establishes connections between countryside, city and the academic community.